5 Summer Trends and Tips for Corporate Interiors

May 29, 2024 | Carmel

Summer offers the perfect opportunity to breathe new life into corporate interiors. At Corporate Interior Solutions, we understand the importance of creating on-brand spaces that foster productivity and well-being. Our trusted team has a variety of summer trends and tips to help rejuvenate any workspace.

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5 Benefits of Custom Furniture for Your Corporate Office

May 10, 2023 | Carmel

When it comes to furnishing your corporate office, you have a variety of options. You could choose to go with pre-made furniture pieces, or you could opt for custom furniture that is designed specifically for your space. While pre-made furniture can be a convenient choice, there are several reasons why you should consider investing in custom furniture for your corporate office. Continue reading to learn about five of those reasons from the team at Corporate Interior Solutions.

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Why Your Corporate Office Design Matters

January 14, 2023 | Carmel

You may not realize it, but your corporate office design matters. The office layout can inspire productivity and send a message about company values. Continue reading to learn more from the professionals at Corporate Interior Solutions.

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3 Break Room Design Elements You’ll Love

November 8, 2022 | Corporate Designs

If your employees spent any time working from home in the past couple of years, their reentry to office life may be a hard adjustment. Many employees got used to working in their pajamas and sitting on a couch all day long. These facts make your break room design more important than ever. That’s why our team at Corporate Interior Solutions has come up with three things you can incorporate into your break room to encourage your employees to recharge during long days at the office.

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Benefits of Custom Office Furniture

May 5, 2022 | Custom Furniture

Your office space says a lot about your company. It sends a message to employees and visiting clients alike. Is your office sending the right message? Custom furniture may seem like a pipe dream, but it’s much more accessible than you’d think and boasts several benefits you won’t get from a traditional furniture store. Here are some benefits to outfitting your office with custom furniture from the team at Corporate Interior Solutions.

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3 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Office Furniture

July 7, 2021 | Carmel

While it may seem like a pretty straightforward task, choosing furniture for your corporate office is actually a very important part of creating a productive and attractive atmosphere. The right furniture and layout can help facilitate communication and collaboration between your employees, and can also retain and attract top talent in your field. To help you make these important decisions, our team at Corporate Interior Solutions has put together a list of common mistakes we’ve seen made when buying office furniture.

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3 Ways to Ensure Your Clients Love Your Lobby

March 4, 2021 | Carmel

We’ve all spent time in a less than desirable waiting room. Maybe the furniture was uncomfortable, maybe there wasn’t enough space to keep a comfortable distance between you and another customer, or maybe there was just nothing interesting to look at while you waited. Whatever the reason, you were left with a bad first impression of the company and you probably won’t be visiting that room again if you can help it. At Corporate Interior Solutions, we believe that your lobby says a lot about your business and we want to help you make a great first impression.

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Office Design Elements That Promote Productivity

January 6, 2021 | Corporate Designs

It’s no secret that the workplace can directly impact your employees’ productivity. An inefficient layout or uncomfortable furniture can cause your employees to be easily distracted and foster discontent in the workplace. At Corporate Interior Solutions, we know that you want your business to run as smoothly as possible and, often, that starts with your employees’ well-being. Consider these design elements that will boost employee productivity and overall office morale.

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3 Unique Benefits of Custom Furniture

November 15, 2020 | Corporate Designs

Office space and workplace culture has evolved over the years. Employees are looking for space and design that supports creative thinking and individuality. No longer will you find rows and rows of cubicles in a modern office because it creates a cold and uninviting atmosphere. If you’re looking to make your office space more comfortable, customized office furniture from Corporate Interior Solutions is a great place to start!

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3 Design Elements to Make Your Corporate Office Pop

May 6, 2020 | Corporate Designs

Remodeling your corporate office can be a huge investment of both time and resources, but often it can add tremendous value to your business. The first step is hiring a qualified and renowned design team that has the experience and capability to deliver on-time quality work with a service-oriented attitude. With Corporate Interior Solutions, you’ll have that – and more. As you begin your plans to remodel your corporate office, consider these key design elements that can really make your space pop.

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